Breast Cancer Awareness for your Life

The condition of our environment that is not too healthy has made many problems to our life. One of those problems is the existing of the various diseases because of genes alteration. As what have many researchers said that heavy pollution can change genes inside human body and this alteration causes many diseases like breast cancer. Breast cancer in categorized as deadly disease. It can bring death to all people that suffer from it. To reduce the risk of the breast cancer, breast cancer awareness is needed.

The breast cancer awareness should be taught to all girls since they are young so that they can detect the breast cancer earlier and take the necessary action before it kills them. To detect breast cancer is very easy. The first symptom is the alteration of the skin color near the breast. There are lumps there. The second symptom is the presence of pain. If you feel those two symptoms, you need to see your doctor soon to do several checks.

If you have breast cancer awareness you will have bigger chance to survive rather than people who late in detecting their breast cancer. It the cancer is in worse state, the breast can be taken to avoid infection toward other body organs.
