Tips on Healthy Kidney

Many kidney patients did not feel complaints at all but when examined clinically had kidney problems. Learn the characteristics of kidney disease to kidney function remains good. Many cases that was difficult to treat kidney disease if it is severe organ. Dialysis is the only way to survive if ones kidneys are not functioning. Kidney diseases there are symptomatic and some are not symptomatic.

CKD can be prevented well if the patient knows the symptoms that caused earlier so it can be treated early. The symptoms of kidney disease can be identified through kidney dysfunction it self. Kidney functions primarily as the filter system and excretion, acid base regulators inside the blood, regulating pressure of the blood, and stimulates cell production of red blood cells.

Symptoms often not occur for some kidney disease. This new disease is identified after the laboratory test, namely by urine and creatinine tests or dirt can be removed by kidneys are functioning properly. Damage of the kidneys more often caused due to other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney infections, congenital kidney, and kidney stones.

Here are tips to stay healthy kidney:
1. Avoid indiscriminate consumption of drugs
2. Enough water consumption
3. Reduce herbs that have not been tested clinically
4. Regular exercise
5. Avoid excessive consumption of supplements such as Vitamin C is a maximum of 4 grams a day
6. Perform regular controls, especially for patients who have diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, because they will be a higher risk of kidney damage.
7. Keeping weight because obesity can lead to kidney

One can do medical check ups to see if he has signs of kidney problems or possibly could be affected by kidney disease. The urine laboratory tests can know whether or not severe kidney disease experienced by a person. Urine will look normal if the cause is less blood flow to the kidneys. Beside that, there are abnormalities in the kidneys when the urine contains blood. The urine protein is also found in normal condition sometimes when there is no protein in urine. Condition of creatinine and urea will be high if the kidneys appear impaired.
